What am I doing here?

Having been told I should blog about various interesting things within the firearms universe, I have finally decided to do just that.

Welcome to Firearms4U!

First I have to say that I do not consider myself an expert. I have had no military or police training, nor am I a gunsmith. I have no monetary interest in any of the manufacturers that I discuss. What I do have is a lot of experience with a fairly broad array of modern firearms. I have tried a lot of different systems, have read an enormous amount about these items and have come to a lot of conclusions that I think might help others trying to sort out what works for them and what doesn’t.

So, if I had to write a Mission Statement it would sound like this: “Firearms4U strives to provide insight into the world of modern firearms by giving real examples of guns, accessories and ammunition found to work particularly well.”

I hope my postings are of value and I welcome any and all feedback so long as it is 1) constructive and 2) meaningful.

Thanks and enjoy the show!


Welcome to Firearms4u!

Firearms4u is dedicated to sharing my personal experiences with modern firearms, accessories, ammunition and anything else related to the shooting sports. It is my hope that this knowledge will be of benefit to others with similar interests.